Golfer's Elbow

New treatment for chronic golfer’s elbow

Does the inside of your elbow feel bruised to touch? Does it hurt with gripping activities? Does it warm-up gradually then worsen after exercise?

You have a common condition called medial epicondylitis—in layman’s terms golfer’s elbow.

This is a repetitive type of injury and you don’t have to be an athlete or golfer to have it. In fact, we clinically see this common condition in office workers.

In most people the pain will go away after their first episode. But in many people the pain continues to reoccur and eventually become chronic.

When conventional treatments fail, injections are the next recommendation. For many people, they feel like the injections “worked” because the pain is either significantly decreased or gone. However, the tendon is still damaged and often times people will cause more damage when they return to activity.

Once multiple rounds of injections fail, you are bumped to surgery. Risks include infection, accidental cutting, ulnar nerve damage, and subsequent adhesions.

Did you know that there is a non-surgical option to fix golfer’s elbow?

That’s what we offer. We use advanced, non-surgical Shockwave protocols to heal the tendon.

So, before you get another injection or opt for a risky surgery give us a call!