Morton's Neuroma

Morton’s Neuroma

Best Morton’s neuroma treatment.

Morton’s neuroma is a common nerve condition that occurs in the ball of the foot. It occurs more commonly in people that are on their feet the majority of the day or that enjoy walking/running. Wearing high heels frequently also increases the likelihood of this condition.

Symptoms may feel like a pebble or bunched sock in the ball of the foot. Symptoms may become more severe become sharp, burning, or numbing. The location is typically between the 3rd and 4th toes.

The nerve coverings between the bones of your foot becomes thickened and inflamed.

Common treatments for Morton’s neuroma consist of orthotics, foot pads, stretches, exercises, or wider shoes. These are designed to take some pressure off of the nerve.

If you fail those treatments you are escalated to injections, or surgery. These treatments are designed to reduce inflammation and/or deaden the nerve. These treatments will negatively affect nerve function permanently.

So before you consider risky injections or surgery try our unique approach.

We use advanced, non-surgical Shockwave treatments to reduce pain, inflammation, and help heal the nerve! We don’t mask symptoms or kill your nerve.